Reading stories of the past gives you a feeling of a deep sense of connection. Finding high-quality information can bring you close to traveling back in time. It takes you back in space to a world we are separated from. Imagine seeing your road trip and unfolding physical spaces. Immerse yourself in the details and build your time machine into the feelings and worlds of the Past.
My name is Natalie. I am an active writer and researcher who attempts to revive and re-discover the past. I have dedicated my time and effort to sharing knowledge of history, art, and literature.
Welcome to my World!
The question that arises to many is why should we study history. People often struggle with this. Learning history gives us insights into our Past. The texts produced throughout world history are valuable. Using Past literature and philosophy for modern purposes reveals to us more about our world. Learning is a sequence and we are all connected despite the movement of time and space.
Non-materialist philosophers recognize notions such as consciousness and the soul. Lucretius (1st century BC) wrote: 'Nothing can be produced from nothing.' Plato stated in his Theory of Forms that the world we inhabit is not the 'real' world but a shadow of ideal forms. We have to look inward to interpret the world. The world of shadows only becomes understood with our inherited knowledge of ideal forms if we crave knowledge.
Reading history and literature is necessary to form a judgment and then use it to find out what is true and valid. Everything in the world is distorted, except the Holy Quranic scripture. Unless the Day of Judgment comes and creatures move to Heaven, everything will have a problem. It is our job to discern and use judgment to understand the world around us.
Aristotle said that no one is able to attain the truth adequately but, at the same time, no one fails entirely. We must be ready to dive into the past and question our assumptions. Looking back will enable us to process our perception of this world. The Muslim philosopher Ibn Sina stated that the human intellect is only realized by the process of education. By looking at our history, we can begin to claim knowledge, truth, belief, and justification.
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
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